Appetizers,  Desserts,  Snacks

Chocolate Dipped Potato Chips

This is so simple it is hardly even a recipe! I discovered this fun treat one day when I was making bark with melting chocolate. Turns out, dipping those thick, crunchy Cape Code kettle chips in melting chocolate is FANTASTIC. I like to make the treats festive by sprinkling sprinkles over the chocolate covered part before they dry. The salty sweet combination is just fantastic!

Chocolate Dipped Potato Chips

Course Appetizer, Dessert, Snack
Cuisine American


  • melting chocolate
  • potato chips I use the Cape Cod Wavy chips
  • sprinkles


  • melt chocolate following package instructions
  • dip half the chip in chocolate then set out on parchment paper to dry
  • if feeling festive, sprinkle sprinkles over top before chocolate dries